Saturday, April 7, 2018

More Beautiful,More Sexy,More Strong,More Toxin free and All round fit with Ayurveda,Yoga,Meditation and Spa

5000 years old Ayurveda Alternative Treatment
7 days Package starts from $800-$1200

 Treatment for:
-Hemi-Paralysis, Arthritis, Circulatory system problems
-Migraine, Facial paralysis, Insomnia
-Lumbago, Sciatica, Post operative care of lower back
-Osteoarthritis, Asthma, heart diseases, respiratory problems
-Weight loss, Cellulite reduction, improving skin texture and fat metabolism
-Relaxation, Sexual weakness, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia, Poly Arthritis and Muscular dystrophy
- Joint & muscle pain, high blood pressure & cholesterol level, infertility, skin disorders
-Sinusitis, Headache and Earache
-Detoxification and Rejuvenation
-Migraine, Premature greying of hair, Insomnia, Neurological disorders
-Dark Circles under eyes, Myopia and swelling of eye lids and more
-Ayurveda including Herbal Massage, Pnchakrma,
 Other fcilities
Well furnished room, wide Natural environment,Chemical free Foods. All treatment and therapy applied as applicable for your body condition.
*Days of treatment depends on your diseases from 7 days to 28 days
To book your appointment please contact to or call +8801754990786 (whatsapp also)